Sunday 3 June 2012

The Doctor has ANOTHER new coat!

Filming on the new series continues apace, and it’s been widely reported that Matt Smith’s been seen wearing a new costume!

His costume has gone through a number of subtle changes, with the Harris and Donegal Tweeds of series five being replaced by the Shetland Tweed of series six.
A green moleskin greatcoat made its debut in Let’s Kill Hitler and was seen again in The Girl Who Waited, Closing Time and The Wedding Of River Song.

At the Cardiff convention a teaser trailer premiered, which showed Matt wearing some form of US military coat for the upcoming western episode.
And now we have the first glimpse of yet another coat!

The crew spent two days (30th to 31st May 2012) at Margam Park near Port Talbot to film scenes for what is believed to be an episode towards the end of series seven.

Extras on set were dressed in Victorian clothing, and it is possible that Matt’s new coat is a one-off featuring in this episode alone.

Matt was seen wearing the new aubergine coloured frock coat with a velvet collar, accompanied by a grey waistcoat and his series six G-Star RAW black jeans!
He also sported a new bow tie, though only for some of the scenes being shot.
You can see more of the photos taken in the gallery below.

Doctor Who filming at Margam Park
The filming also was picked up on by The Sun, who ran with the first days work for new companion, played by Jenna-Louise Coleman.
The Sun - First picture of Jenna-Louise Coleman as Matt Smith’s companion
So what’s the new coat made from? With the white flecking, it looks very much like the Donegal fabric one of Matt’s series five tweeds was made from, but in a different colour-way.

I really like the cut and simplicity of the new coat, even if it proves to be a one-off.
It has a simply sweeping line, uncluttered by any distracting details. I can’t even see any outer pockets or buttons to fasten it. I think I can just see a breast pocket, but I’m not totally sure yet. The cuffs have four tightly spaced buttons, which look to be a classic horn design.

I did a bit of research and made a couple of phone calls, and quickly came up trumps with the exact fabric used! But there is a serious downside.

The photographs taken are quite distant and not crystal sharp, so they don’t show the detail of the weave of the fabric.
It has a grid pattern in a slightly different colour yarn, which has been lost in the photos.

The downside to this fabric? It is MASSIVELY expensive! Real don’t-ask expensive!!!

As you can see, despite this I bought enough to make myself a coat, but I won’t be doing it just yet. I have some questions first and gonna wait until I can confirm them first.


  1. going to be honnest im getting realiy sick of how many times the 11th doctor is gonna change his costume. Serously it's getting to the point were its starting to be realiy irritating and annoying why cant they just pick a costume and stick with it no more anoying changes please.

    1. Makes the Tenth Doctor's two suits and a coat seem reserved!

    2. Pertwee and Baker changed quite frequently, I wonder if these exciting new costume changes are meant to harken back to this golden age of Who?

    3. It's a nice thought, but I think it has more to do with this being the FOURTH costume designer on Matt's era bringing their own spin on the costume.
      They are rattling through designers like there's no tomorrow.

  2. Replies
    1. It's a nice simple look.
      I'm looking forward to making myself a copy, but not quite yet.

  3. I love the change of costumes, even if I still prefer the tweed jacket from series 6 i like this coat ant the green overcoat.

    1. I strongly suspect this coat is an episode specific one-off costume.
      I'm sure the tweed will be back.

  4. where's the fabric from?

  5. I wonder where I can get my hands on some of that fabric I'd love to make myself a frock coat

  6. As soon as I watched the first episode I immediately started searching for this coat or something like it! I'd love to know about the fabric and where to get it! Thanks you for being such an obsessive detail person just like myself!

  7. I would just wanna know if they did similar coats but in like different colours/ material because that coat is pretty cool

  8. Where did you get the fabric from ?!?


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