Thursday 8 April 2010

All Saints Boots - the alternatives

Since starting this blog, I have been contacted by a number of people seeking to begin or complete their Eleven outfits.

As I have outlined, many of the items making up the costume are off the peg and at the time of filming were relatively easy to obtain.
But that’s only if you were looking at the right moment, which has annoying passed most of us by.

One of these was the All Saints Boots, which apparently were a personal choice by Matt Smith himself. Now discontinued (I only got mine by the skin of my teeth), they are however, part of the trends and fashions that were seen in the 2009/2010 season, and were not as a concept exclusive to All Saints.

These hob-nail style boots, with pre-worn leather and waxed laces have been included in the collections of some other high street retailers, though to varying designs.

Below are some of the boots found by other cosplayers, which may prove to be more readily available and form a reasonable next-best option if you didn’t manage to grab the All Saints boots at the time.

Boulden Boots found on

These boots are reasonably priced and at present available in both the UK and the US. They come in a choice of Black (see above) or Dark Brown (see below).

Roam Boots by All Saints

Amusingly the next choice of an alternative is from All Saints themselves, and is their Roam Boots. These have the rough and pre-worn look of the Layer Boot, but are much more chunky and rugged.

Still, it’s nice to at least wear the same label as The Doctor!

Double Eyelet Boot by River Island

Finally, and in my view the best match, are the Double Eyelet Boots produced by River Island.

They are the only boot I have seen with the tiered rows of eyelets, so integral to the All Saints originals. After all, they were called Layer Boots for a reason!

NB: the River Island website is flash-based, so I cannot give a direct link to the boots.
If you go to and search for product code 243710, you should find them okay.
If you come across another strikingly similar boot that could be an alternative to the All Saints Layer Boots, drop me a line and I’ll add them to the page.
Email me at


  1. Some good alternatives there! I had a few in mind back when I was looking. Finally got lucky and got a pair of the layer boots by continually checking the site back when some were still being returned. Wonder if there is a good way to brown the upper layer top part of the boot similar to the originals?

  2. I'm willing to pay through the nose for the Layer boots, I want them for normal wear and for upcoming Halloween festivities.

  3. The Aldo Umphrey comes strikingly close to Matt Smith's All Saints Boots. The only difference is the extended upper ankles are the same color leather as the rest of the shoe, and they have a toe cap. I bought a pair, though unfortunately too small as a size 12, I had to return and can't find a size US 13 for the life of me.

  4. Well, for women in the Us there are these from target and they are pretty cheap! :D


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