Saturday 26 May 2012

A meeting of Doctors

Wow - have I got something real cool coming up for you!

I’ve just returned home after an amazing day down in Cardiff doing an all-day photoshoot with two of my favourite Doctor cosplay look-a-likes, with a superb Amy Pond to moderate.

Many of you will know US-based Kevin Coppa (see left) from The Ultimate Tennant Suit I made him, something he proudly wears to many US conventions; you will also have hopefully seen UK-based Matt Elliott (see below), who is the most awesome Eleventh Doctor look-a-like.

Well, I wondered what would happen if I could get the two of them together in the same photo – and now I know!

It didn’t take much persuading to get these guys in the same place together, but it took several weeks of planning to make it happen.

Here’s a little teaser photo for you, with more to follow soon.
We shot about a dozen scenarios, some just portraits; others are hilarious, so watch out for them in this and my Tennant Suit blog.

Friday 18 May 2012

I won! I WON!

Now this doesn’t happen to me often, but I won myself a competition!

Last year I had read about the Punchdrunk production of The Crash of the Elysium a while back when it was on in Manchester in July 2011. I didn’t know too much about it, but described as an immersive theatre experience, it sounded intriguing. Only thing was, Manchester is a bit of a trek from where I live, so I didn’t go. It was also billed as an adventure for 6 to 12 year old.

Its launch had a surprise visitor when The Doctor himself, Matt Smith turned up, and I read some favourable reviews of it, so in hindsight I felt I had missed out.

Well as part of the lead up to the London Olympics, there is a programme of cultural shows and productions across the UK, and The Crash Of The Elysium is being restaged at a theatre in Ipswich, still a fair way but reachable for me.

Thursday 17 May 2012

Client cosplay photoshoot

One of my American clients recent showed me the results of a photoshoot he had taken part in, wearing the blue and burgundy Matt Smith shirts I had made for him!

Here are a selection of the best shots.

Friday 11 May 2012

New braces - the race is on!

I don’t want to be a spoiler for series seven, but I thought I’d give you a heads-up something now rather than later.

Matt Smith was seen filming somewhere-or-other for scenes in an episode-thingy and had to do some running around (phew - managed to keep that spoiler free!). This gave some fan observers and pappazzai a view of the latest addition to The Doctor’s wardrobe - some new braces.

They are distinctively different from series five and six, so worth a mention.
Previously he wore burgundy (and navy) crossover narrow braces with silver clips. These ones, however, are Y shaped, in a brighter red colour, and have much wider straps. The clips look to be gold coloured with black leather connectors.

As far as I’ve seen no-one has yet 100% identified them, but there are a couple of very good options out there if you look around.

The best so far can be found on for £11.95, and are called Mens Scarlet Red Braces Clip on 3.5cm.
Mens Scarlet Red Braces