Tuesday 12 November 2013

Doctor Who Celebration - my tickets arrive!

It’s only a couple of weeks til the Doctor Who Celebration, and my tickets have arrived.

Now I’m getting excited!


  1. What costume you gonna wear? :)

  2. Ooh, I just got an e-ticket should I have physical ticket too like that? What day are you going. I'm saturday Ice warrior. Got my costume all ready.

  3. If you go Friday Ice Warrior I would be happy to shake your hand and say personally thanks for your blog and my costume. I read instructions and all of it were very helpful.

    1. If I thought to wear the costume or not wear the costume, now I absolutely sure that I should to wear. So, meet the Tenth Doctor. With handmade Nash tie. Non-canonic brown and light stripes, but I like it.

  4. I think I spotted you in the queue on the saturday....you were in the queue near some friends of mine.


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