Wednesday 27 July 2011

Season Six Tweed jacket –
finished version

After making a prototype a while back, I have now made a couple of proper Shetland Tweed jackets, and I thought you might like to see how they have come out.

I had lots of fun getting the pattern to fall right, especially around the breast pocket welt. It has to be cut so the pattern matches and so that it disappears into the chest.

Notice also how the horizontal orange stripes align from the chest to the sleeve.

I’m also quite proud of the buttoned cuffs, which I tailor as fully functional vents.

This took a bit of work to design the pattern, and some understanding on how to make it work. The finished result is superbly screen-accurate.

I also found a great supplier for the correct coloured leather elbow patches, all of which have to be meticulously hand-sewn in place.

Since I am using the original W Bill Shetland Tweed, I am authorised to use their label inside the jacket, which I have proudly put on show, with my own label subtly inside the pocket.


  1. Well, unfortunately last week I decided that booze took precedence over fashion, but now that I've determined whether I like Martinis or Manhattans better (it's Manhattans) I'll have to start saving up for this.

  2. I bought one of these off Steve. It is of a very high quality and the look and feel of it is spectacular. Don't bother waiting for the Abbyshot one, get Steves, well worth the extra cost. From having the jacket I can't see any difference from the screen one , plus it's made from the same tweed.
    Steve will go the extra mile when creating these masterpieces.

  3. The jacket is wonderful. Steve, this is fantastic work.

  4. It looks simply amazing - I am stunned! :)

  5. how much do you sell these for? that is if you even sell

  6. @chriscowley893 - crop me an email to and I can send you info . . ..

  7. Have you still got any jackets? I've been searching for a good quality doctor who jacket for about 4 weeks with no luck.


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