Sunday 16 January 2011

Eleven Shirt . . . in green?

To kick off the New Year I thought I’d share with everyone something I made myself late last year.

I had already run myself up a Burgundy and a Blue Matt Smith Shirt, and once they were all done I was itching to make another, but not in the screen-seen colours!

I thought it a bit of fun to make myself on in an imaginary third colourway.

Here it is – let me know what you think!


  1. Now, that you've made much would it cost me for you to ship it over the pond. And i'm not referring to Amy.

  2. Are you going to make these for others?

  3. I love it. Keep up the good work!

  4. Yeah, that does look good. I'd think about one of those myself.

  5. That is fantastic! :D I don't suppose you would consider doing a line of them? I could really use one for my costume.


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